Renee Buesking’s work focuses on broadly on questions of addressing audience. In her dissertation and published work, Renee looks at the ways in which British women writers in the eighteenth and nineteenth century hybridize traditional forms to address new audiences, adapt their public personas, and respond to cultural and historical events during these periods. In the classroom, Renee focuses on the intersections between first-year writing and technical communication to help students identify, properly address, and persuade new audiences on and off campus. Renee’s recent work with the Serve-Learn-Sustain office at Georgia Tech gave students the opportunity to address their communication to community partners in Jackson, GA.

Renee Buesking
Teaching Assistant Professor
PhD in English, The University of Georgia MA in English, Lehigh University BA in English, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
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Research Areas
Additional Interests
- Poetry and poetics
- Undergraduate research opportunities
- Technical and professional communication
Research Statement
Renee Buesking is from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and has spent time living in the American south as well as Oxford, UK. During graduate school, she taught a variety of academic writing, English literature, multimodal composition, and technical writing courses to undergraduate students across all majors and colleges. After graduating with her PhD, Renee worked as a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow in the Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Institute of Technology before returning to Lehigh as a member of the English faculty teaching first-year writing.
“‘Do ye sweep the lyre?’: Romantic Resonances in The Poems of Ossian.” European Romantic Review, vol. 34, no. 5, 2023, pp. 589-607.
“Charlotte Smith’s Forms of Protest” European Romantic Review, vol. 32, no. 3, 2021, pp. 261-277.
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